The Princess and I went off to the Playground after breakfast and had some fun in the early sun.
Now I tell you that having just a few hours of sleep that night I was pretty okay. Not that tired I thought I would be...:) (and we all now how I am in the mornings when I am tired.....)
We took some turns on the swings and of course the little Princess that she is...started to close her eyes as the camera went out! :) All in all it was a good morning until she started to feel sick....and later on puked! This was the falling of taking too many turns on a poole that spins around. Weird thing is....that I told her over and over again that if she didn't stop the spinning she would end up puking.....:))
After a while her mom came and picked her up and the house grew quiet again....but not for too long....
This little guy came instead and replaced the Princess. Figured since I already have one sleepdeprived night I can go on with another one. :) (yes it was voluntarily)
I went and picked him up and we walked home and had dinner....and later just played and watched some tv. Discovered that this little guy don't like bugs or critters....:) You see the book in the photo above, well it is a book of a caterpillar...and there is a fingerpuppet attached to it. Well, when I started to wiggle it he gave me some really funny faces of discomfort. And since I am already mean i had to take some photos...:)) There are more than the one above, but figure i would be nice....
We had a fun day aswell, to bed he went and yet again I had a sleepdeprived night....but was okay on monday morning. A bit tired but that is all....(And I can see that many of you have your mouths open....wondering what okay in the mornings....:) )
We then spent the morning going to the playground and he took his turn on the swings...and when we had to go home for lunch he put on his sour face! And backed up to the bushes...or I should say he almost went in them! :)) We also saw the garbagetruck (big wow's from the little guy then), buses, trucks and policecars!!! Fun day I tell you! :)
Can say that I woke up late this morning....10 am...and i went to bed at like 11pm....yieks! I guess I was sleepdeprived! hahaha....
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