June 8, 2012

Kitchen essentials

The other day I looked around in my kitchen and it pretty much looked like someone had dropped a bomb in there.

My kitchen table is a dropzone for various objects, magazines, mail etc etc.

My sink was filled with various dishes, since I am too lazy to do them every day.  (live alone so I don't accumulate that much in dirty dishes) :)

One counter was filled with crap after my last "cleaning" atempt from my kitchentable.

So I started to clean and put things away where they are supposed to be, why I don't do this right away I have no clue! I mean it is soo much easier that way. Oh well...why make it easy?! ;)
Anyway, back to the subject, whilst cleaning I found things that are essential to me in there.
It doesn't matter if they are for cooking or cleaning, these items I love and use all the time:

my cookbooks, they do come in handy!
my loyal Kitchen Aid (the best gift ever)
these bendable cuttingboards are awesome (have them in different colors)

muffinpans...I have a few...to say the least :)

A awesome tool! Use mine to scoop cupcake batter in pans and best
part is no mess! :)

my ovendishes, have the one in red. And they are great to look at too.

a great buy I might say so! Use it at least once a week
best knife ever!

These are just a few items I have that are essetial to me, have plenty more! :)
Just ask my helpers who helped me move in february...about half of the boxes ended up being kitchen stuff! ;)

hey....I love to bake and cook...why not splurge once in a while!

Images were found online except for the first two that are mine.

What Kitchen gadget is or are your essential?

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