Yesterday I attended a Bacherolette party for a dear friend. I had a blast and my body is feeling the aftermath of being too active for one entire day! :)
We started out picking people up from the trainstation and drove to the a small bay in the area for a lovely Champagne breakfast.
This is everyone minus the Bride to be and her kidnappers. We all went ahead and set up the breakfast and waited for the Bride to be, her sister and friend.
Part of our yummy breakfast...
The Bride-to-Be and her 2 kidnappers. Now take a look at those clouds in the background...a few minutes before they weren't that dark...
Champagne in hand and bellies to be filled, mind wasn't that warm. And just a few seconds after this the sky opened and it started to pour down rain!
This is everone outside the dancestudio...pretty much soaked and finishing off our breakfast.
We (due to knee pain I am not included in the "we" part) had an hour of Streetdance. It is all captured on tape too!! :))
After the dance, we all headed out to one of the girls home and did some fishing and yes..more alcohol.
We were divided into 3 teams and we were supposed to catch fish and whoever got the most would win a prize. Now we are all girls...neither one of us were the fishingtype. My team wouldn't put the worm on the we used strawberries for bate! Worked tremendously! :)
The Bride-to-Be actually caught a fish and I soo wish I could have captured it on tape....hilarious...10 girls standing there and wouldn't touch it! Humane as we were we went and got the father in law to the friend we were at.
This is when he is trying to take the hook out of the fish....none of the girls above would look!
Sorry to say that the fish didn't survive and the cat was happy!
We all decided that this was it and quit...
After a splendid lunch we all headed back to town...(our car watched the Royal wedding in the car with a little help from our cellphones.) go to a Turkish Sauna ritual. Lots of relaxing and scrubbing were involved! :)
Later we had a delicious meal at Wild West Steakhouse and at Midnight we all turned into pumpkins!
Or some of us anyway...:)
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