- go for a walk
- go grocery shopping
- make the bed with fresh sheets
- buy new sneakers
- buy wine
- call a friend for a "coffea-break"
- upload the photos from yesterday
- start the cards I have put on a backburner'
- make dinner and lunch for tomorrow
Now THIS is what really happend:
- Went for a walk (not that long since my knee made some complaints aswell as my feet)
- had breakfast, got a call from Mom...
- went over to her place to switch tires on my brothers car....(from winter to summer tires)
- washed his car (am driving it so little I can contribute) or barely washed it. (boring)
- washed my other brothers car, since they graced us with their presence.
- watched two WildChilds!!! (one on a bike the other on a car)
- entertained two WildChilds!!
- took down my mom's ehh...in swedish: Växthus. Not sure what it is called in English...gardenhouse, small nursery...ehh...anyway
- drove home to shower and get cleaned up
- went and got my sneakers
- made dinner and half of the lunch for tomorrow. (might just buy something tomorrow)
Have photos but my cell-phone won't let me download them to the computer.
Will leave that for another day!
got the download to work!!
Guess what...Spring is here!!!
Now I am going to tend to my aching back and knee....
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