I know for most people this is like midmorning, but for me who has been on sick leave the last 6 weeks this is early!!!
Anyway...back to the Scones! The main reason to make these were that the bread I had in the freezer really didn't appeal to me. I know...I am picky.... :)
Never made Scones before and the ones I had eaten before were a tad bit on the dry side. So I decided I needed to try at least, which is a new thing for this year. To try new things in the fooddepartment!
(so far so good)
This is the recipe I chose in my bread cookbook (yes I have one):
English Scones (not sure why it says English....could be since British always eat scones...)
Makes about 4 cakes - 16 pieces
(in swedish)
8dl mjöl
1/2 tsk salt1 tsk socker
5 tsk bakpulver
75g smör eller margarin
4 dl mjölk
Blanda samman de torra ingredienserna. Finfördela fettet i mjöblandningen och
tillsätt mjölken. Arbeta raskt samman degen, tillsätt mer mjöl om nödvändigt tills
du har fått en smidig och fast deg.
Dela den i fyra bitar.
Kavla ut bitarna till runda, ganska tjocka kakor. Lägg dem på smord bakplåt.
Skär kakorna i fyra bitar, men inte helt igenom, och nagga dem med en gaffel.
Gräddas ca 12 minuter i 275 grader celsius
tills de fått en gyllengul färg. Låt svalna på galler
(in English)
3 and 1/4 cups flour
half a tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
5 tsp bakingpowder
75 g butter/or margarine
13 and 1/2 oz milk (the translator said 13,5 oz)
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Disperse the butter into the dry ingredients and add the milk.
Work the batter quickly, add more flour if needed until you get a firm and solid dough.
Split it in 4 pieces.
Roll out the pieces to round but farly thick cakes. Put them on a greased baking tray.
Then cut the cakes into four pieces, but not all the way through and prick with a fork.
Bake for about 12 minutes, 500 F oven (not sure if this is right)
Until they get a golden brown color.
Next time I will try and do them in a cupcake tray or cut them out in circles....hmm....
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