that sums up my night. :)
Decided this night was for me and since they don't show any good movies on tv tonight, the EMA awards it was. That is weird in my book, that tonight which is saturday...they don't show any movies at all!! I would figure that saturdays would be primetime for showing movies....instead they show them in the middle of the week!! When you have to get up early the next morning, what is up with that?!?
My list of things to do is piling up and I have no motivation to do any of them.
Christmas cards need to be signed and sent, christmas tags needs to be done (not that urgent since christmas is a bit away), curtains needs to be hanged, my 2008 scrapbookalbum needs to be finished before christmas (that is my deadline by the way), photos to be edited, gifts to wrap and gifts to buy....
...I could go on!
Alright, should get my but into bed so I can wake up rested for tomorrows photo session.
Night night
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